Love is in the Cards!

Ah, love - in all of its romantic glory!  In case the abundance of red hearts, candy, and flowers everywhere you go have not yet reminded you, it’s almost Valentine’s Day, a time when our focus turns to love and romance.  It’s also a time when people especially like to get readings about this topic, although it’s probably the most popular subject for querents who do have questions no matter what time of year it is.


How can we see love (or the possibility of it) in a reading?  Well, no two readers are alike but there are some cards that are more likely to point in the direction of romance.  I’ll bet you can guess a few of them!  The Lovers card, for example, can certainly represent a love relationship or a partnership or it can simply be a choice you are contemplating.  To figure out which meaning applies, you can get more context by reviewing what question was asked or by looking at other cards in the reading.  The Two of Cups, which is often regarded as a sort of mini Lover’s card, can show the early stages of a partnership.  In fact, most of the cards in the Suit of Cups can refer to emotion in one way or another, so if you’re doing a reading where someone is asking about love and you don’t see any cups, there may be other issues that need to be looked into. 


Wands tend to show what we’re passionate about.  The Four of Wands is often referred to as the marriage card.  Couples may show up as the King and Queen of the same suit, or even the Knight and Queen.  In fact, I’ve often found that when women ask about the possibility of love and there are strong possibilities for suitors, at least one knight - and often more than one - will appear in the reading.


We can look for these cards in any tarot spread or even when we’re just pulling cards with no positional meanings to give us clues about love and romance.  But another way to learn about love is to use a relationship spread.


Here’s a simple three-card relationship spread.  Shuffle and lay out three cards. As you do so, focus on Card 1 as representing the first partner, Card 2 as representing the second partner, and Card 3 as representing what we need to know about the relationship.  No matter how many cards or how complex the layout, many popular relationship spreads will use this format of looking at each partner separately and then looking at the relationship, almost as though it were a third entity in the reading.


This is just a quick overview of some tools to use when reading about love and relationships.  With time and practice, every reader develops an arsenal of meanings that make sense to them.   They don’t have to coincide with the popular meanings; the key to a good reading is to trust your intuition.


If you would like to learn more about tarot, or you would like a reading about love or any other topic, please check me out:

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!


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