Charm Casting

Casting charms as a form of divination has become popular in certain circles over the past decade.  It’s really fun and I teach classes on how to create your own charm oracle.  I generally use my charm oracles to supplement my tarot readings, but they can be a surprisingly insightful way to do a stand-alone reading as well.  Let me describe how it works and you can decide whether or not you would like to choose charms to enhance your reading – or maybe even take my class!

Like all oracles, charm oracles call on our intuition and our ability to read patterns.  The diviner collects an assortment of small objects that can be tossed out onto a reading cloth and read in much the same way that one would read runes.  When I read charms, I look for patterns and I work with the meanings that I have assigned to the charms.  

A few examples of meanings that I have assigned to some of my charms (pictured below):

Heart: Love, emotional energy, contentment

Fairy: Magical energy, special guidance, intuition

Spiderweb: Creative energy, plotting and planning, networking

Sun: Success, warmth, strength

Hamsa: Protection, good fortune
