The Hermit

Recently I was shuffling my deck in preparation for doing readings at the yoga center and the Hermit happened to catch my eye.  I have been working with The Gilded Tarot Royale deck by Ciro Marchetti for many years and in all of this time I never noticed that on the Hermit card there is a snake in his path.  So, today’s blog is about the Hermit card but also about the snake.


The Hermit is not necessarily everyone’s favorite card in the tarot deck. Most tarot card decks depict him as an elderly man with a white beard, clad in a long dark cloak and holding a lamp and a staff.  He appears to be wandering on his own, Gandalf-like, and while he may possibly have many good things to say to us, most people are more interested in cards that show manifestations of love or money.  However, it might be worth our time to listen to him; he is thought to be the wise old sage whose wisdom has been gleaned through his solitary journey. A few key words for this card include patience, solitude, reflection, mentor, and introspection.  Drawing the Hermit card may indicate that a little time spent in solitary reflection can allow us to access the wisdom we hold within.


Now, add the imagery of the snake in his path as displayed in this particular deck.  One well-known example of snake symbolism has a rather negative connotation; that is the Christian story of Adam and Eve being tempted by the snake to sin in the Garden of Eden.  Interestingly, in that story the sin is to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge, so it fits in with the energy of the wise old hermit.  But I also think of the snake as a symbol for change based on the way that snakes shed old skins as they grow, and change is another thing that gives us wisdom. The symbol of infinity into which the snake is formed represents something that is unlimited and without bounds. 


Putting it altogether, the hermit has acquired much wisdom on his journey.  As long as he is living, he will still be on his journey.  When he sees a snake on his path, a thing that other people may perceive trouble or danger, he instead views it as an opportunity to gain even more wisdom, which after all, is exactly what life is all about!  Further, the opportunity to learn and grow through our challenges are limitless.


Here are some questions to ponder:  How have you been manifesting the Hermit in your life lately?  What snakes have you found in your path?  After a little introspection, you might see how they offer you a chance to learn something and add that knowledge to your arsenal – thus achieving even more wisdom!


Ace of Pentacles & Virgo New Moon


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